Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Piggybacking ho toh Big ho ;)

Over the last few days we have had an African jungle man, a cowboy and a few animation characters promising to 'See you at home' standing next to a red couch. The teasers made me sit up and look, wondering what is it all about. What followed was ad where a digitally superior quality red couch free falls on a slightly less bright red couch with a bang alongwith a punch line - 'See you at home with digital picture and sound with BIG TV'.

The red couch in the BIG TV was so ubiquitous of the teasers that  I was almost sure that the teasers were a forerunner for this BIG TV ad. It was until I saw the curtain raiser ad of Digital TV that the realization came that BIG TV piggybacked on AirTel's Digital TV teaser campaign. :)

Wicked yet stylish. Quite unlike the below the belt cola wars we have been subjected.

Piggybacking ho toh  Big ho ;) 


itchy feet said...

the ads made a whole lot of others sit up :P in a way, piggybacking seems to be helping the 'parent' ad as well in terms of brand recollection and the 'child' ad is benefitting from association

Pee Bee said...

Good for Airtel, however it seems like in the final ad the Red Couch, a linking factor in the teaser campaign seems to be the weakest link.